Please explain!!!
I think we all have lost this!!!!What is INNER BEAUTY ??????? Do you think it is important?????
(Please give your own thoughts) WHAT ARE YOU SAY? well,frankly speaking,it is extremely important, but hard to be found by others.
we need patients and obversation to find the "inner" of a person.
as far as i am concerned,everyone has his own "inner",don't deny this before
you have found it. OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you agree or disagree? THINK! OH~~~~~~~~~~MY GOD!
我晕死了 Do not you make nonsense ? You say that we have lost it, with good grounds? It is very important to a person to be inherent and beautiful! ! ! wo
wo yun si
wo kan bu dong
bao qian !! 楼主是说:
[ 本贴由 chyypp 于 2004-3-16 07:02 PM 最后编辑 ]
[ 本贴由 chyypp 于 2004-3-16 07:03 PM 最后编辑 ] 我是说:
抱歉!! inner beauty is a part of what is inner-wealth? it has somethin' 2 do with a person's knowledge,culture,morality ,etc. that means if we consider a person of having inner-wealth that means the person has something special within him,he is attactive to the others though he's may not a good-looking guy. and i think the strongest and longest affinity is inner beauty.
but,the inner beauty of a person will take u long time to find out...... 呵呵
ying wen shui ping zhe m niu !! [quote][i]飞侠虫子[/i] 于 2004-5-30 05:40 PM 写道:
ying wen shui ping zhe m niu !! [/quote]
now I know this place a lots friend "niu B"
my god! ,You are all elites !you are all bob!(best of best!)页: