《西城男孩Westlife -Face To Face》()

专辑名称:Face To Face
With 35 Million records sold worldwide, 7 Million in the UK alone, 12 UK Number 1’s--Westlife are back with their smash single "You Raise Me Up" and the follow-up second single with the legendary Diana Ross. Relaxed, refreshed and bursting with energy, Westlife, the quiet superstars of the mainstream UK music scene, bounce back with their new album Face To Face. It’s a world that they have dominated for seven years and the album features all the hallmarks of that reign--a collection of classic songs and future standards. In brief, Face To Face finds Westlife doing what they’ve always done best. After a brief interlude with their Rat Pack album of classic song sung in the style of Sinatra, Face To Face is Westlife’s first collection of new songs since Turnaround topped the charts in 2003. "It’s got the best material we’ve ever released", says Shane confidently. Agrees Nicky: "At the time Turnaround seemed like one of our best albums and this one feels even better". Song writing and production duties are equally divided between long-term collaborator Steve Mac and Swedish hit-makers The Location, returning to the Westlife fold after working on their first two albums (and for Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC among many others), with recording done in Ireland, Sweden and London over the long hot summer. Passion is very much the key to the opening single "You Raise Me Up", Shane singing the hymn-like refrain over a simple piano melody before Mark’s soaring vocal ushers in Kian and Nicky’s blissful harmonies. A slow builder, the song swells into a full-blown gospel epic complete with strings, celestial choirs and something entirely new for Westlife--bagpipes! "I really enjoyed singing it. I hope people find it inspiring", says Mark. "It’s an incredible song", adds Nicky. "I can see it becoming a favourite at weddings and funerals, like our first hit Swear It Again".
A new start and a new chapter… but the Westlife story is far from over.
1999年4月9日,westlife的首支单曲"Swear it Again"问世了,此曲一经推出便直达英国单曲排行榜的头名(事实上,他们在亚洲的事业是从1999年6月他们在亚洲推出了Swear It Again EP开始的),事隔不久,第二首单曲“If I Let You Go”和第三首“Flying Without Wings”又相继坐上了排行榜的头把交椅,了不起的成绩不仅超过了他们曾经为之伴唱的昔日王子Boyzone,更使他们成为了英国历史上第一支连续推出三首单曲均获冠军的乐队,同时,“Flying Without Wings”经过对1千万英国人的调查也赢得了1999年最佳唱片奖。
美丽的传说才刚刚开始,1999年11月,westlife发行了首张同名专辑,4白金与12白金的销售量让他们征服了英国和爱尔兰,全球700万张的惊人销量更让全世界为之震撼和倾倒。整张专辑曲风柔美和抒情,虽然带着点可爱的稚气,但是依然史无前例地产生了5首冠军单曲,它们是"Swear It Again"、"If I Let You Go"、"Flying Without Wings"、"Seasons In the Sun"和"Fool Again",其中"Seasons In the Sun"是一首具有双重意义的歌曲,它在排行榜上名列4周之久,使其成为乐队20世纪最后一首冠军单曲和新世纪的No.1。在大西洋对岸,"Swear It Again"在美国的Billboard销量排行榜上名列第二,westlife的小伙子们了不起的音乐天分在流行音乐之乡也得到了证明。
2000年9年,流行天后Mariah Carey邀请westlife与之合唱,是Phil Collins在1984年的冠军经典歌曲"Against the Odds",Mariah天籁般的嗓音与westlife的温柔和声相映成辉,为他们夺下了第6首冠军单曲。
10月份推出的单曲“My Love”是westlife第二张专辑的主打歌曲,这不但为他们再添一首冠军单曲,更让他们打平了The Beatles连续夺冠单曲的记录,成为继Spice Girls之后获得最多连续冠军的流行团体。
在11月这样一个收获的金色季节,westlife的小伙子们推出了他们的第二张专辑,面对着来自英伦三岛的超级女子组合Spice Girls同期第三张专辑的巨大挑战,爱尔兰人不屈的灵魂让他们创造了奇迹:英国专辑销售排行榜冠军!westlife已经完全取代了昔日的Take That和Boyzone,成为欧洲地区最炽手可热的偶像组合。
一个多月以后,新单曲"What Makes A Man"上市,虽然它没有拿下冠军位置,但是,歌中那种爱情的悲哀与浓浓的感伤情怀却打动着千万人的心,使这首歌在销售榜前十名居数月之久,成为westlife有史以来销量最高的单曲金唱片。
传奇故事依然在继续着。在世界巡回演唱会期间,westlife翻唱了Billy Joel的名曲"Uptown Girl",这首单曲不仅又赢得了排行榜冠军,证明了他们世界顶尖乐队的地位,同时也打破了自己的"What Makes A Man"的销售记录,一周售出292,000张。面对着巨大的成功,他们将这首单曲的所得利润全部捐给了福利机构Comic Relief,身为明星的男孩子们依然怀有一颗充满爱与温暖的朴实心灵。
2001年的火热之夏,westlife来到了同样热情的拉丁美洲,并且在为拉美地区发行的专辑中专门录制了两首西班牙文歌"En Ti Deje Mi Amor"和"Con Lo Bien Que Te Ves"。
2001年11月5日,他们推出了的新专辑中的第一首主打单曲"Queen Of My Heart",并以傲人的销量,成功的拿下了11月12日的单曲排行榜冠军。这首歌曲以史诗般的曲风,呈现了westlife杰出的唱腔和完美的和音,成为了他们第9首冠军单曲和第10首Top 3单曲,从此打平了Spice Girls的冠军单曲纪录,然而这一切还远远没有结束。
1. You Raise Me Up
2. When You Tell Me That You Love Me - Westlife & Diana Ross
3. Amazing
4. That's Where You Find Love
5. She's Back
6. Desperado
7. Colour My World
8. In This Life
9. Heart Without A Home
10. Hit You With The Real Thing
11. Change Your Mind |